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jQuery PicTip is a plugin that adds handy tooltips to your images, slideshows, sliders and more.

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jQuery PicTip

jQuery PicTip is a plugin that adds handy tooltips to your images, slideshows, sliders and more.

VW Camper


Try the demo

Getting Started

          bower install jquery-pictip


<div id="pictip-demo"> </div>


          position: relative;
          /* make it look pretty */
          /* make it look pretty */

Use the following clases for customization:

Class Description
spot Spot class
spot-{index} Class containing the spot indetifier (spot-0, spot-1, etc)
spot-open Class assigned to the spot when the related tooltip is open
spot-tooltip Tooltip class
spot-tooltip-{index} Class containing the tooltip indetifier (spot-tooltip-0, spot-tooltip-1, etc)
spot-tooltip-close Class assigned to the tooltip close link
spot-tooltip-content Class assigned to the tooltip content container

The JavaScript

            spots: [{
              top: '50px',
              left: '20px',
              content: 'Hello!',
              tooltipPosition:'br' //bottom-right

The complete set of options:

Option Description
spots [ Array: [] ] Spots object array. Refer to the next table for more information.
spotClass [ String: '.spot' ] Spots class.
spotTemplate [ String: '' ] HTML template to create the spots.
eventType [ String: 'click' ] Event type to trigger the tooltip/caption display action (posible values are click and mouseenter).
tooltip [ Boolean: true ] Display tooltip or caption? (use caption for a better mobile experience).
show [ Function: function (tooltip) {} ] Function that overrides the plugin default show functionality.
close [ Function: function (tooltip) {} ] Function that overrides the plugin default close functionality.
onShowToolTip [ Function: function (spot, tooltip) {} ] Function executed after the tooltip has opened
onCloseToolTip [ Function: function (spot, tooltip) {} ] Function executed after the tooltip has closed

Functions onShowToolTip and onCloseToolTip are not executed if show and close functions are defined.

Spots set of options:

Option Description
top [ Number: 0 ] Spot top position
left [ Number: 0 ] Spot left position
content [ String: '' ] Tooltip content. Add any content type
tooltipPosition [ String: '' ] Tooltip position relative to spot. (tl, tr, tc, bl, br, bc, cl, cr)
tooltipId [ String: '' ] Tooltip ID
tooltipCss [ Object: {} ] CSS styling for the tooltip
tooltipClose [ Boolean: false ] Set this to true if you want the tooltip close link
open [ Boolean: false ] Set this to true if you want the tooltip to be open on page load


Accessing the PicTip instance.

        // You can access the instance with:
        var pictip = $("#pictip-demo").data('pictip');

You can access the following methods of the instance:

Method Description
init [ Function: function (options) {...} ] Initialize the plugin instance
closeToolTips [ Function: function () {...} ] Close all open tooltips
destroy [ Function: function () {...} ] Destroy the plugin instance






If you'd like to contribute to this project, create a branch and send a pull request for that branch. Hint and test your code.

Any problems, please, let me know.


Copyright (c) 2015 Daniel Fernández A. Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.